作为外贸公司管理人员,AI 能为您带来多方面的帮助:
此外,在创业团队,尤其对于做海外产品的管理人员,AI 的价值可能会更大。同时,国际上对于 AI 监管也在不断推进,包括继续追求多利益相关方参与的方式,支持其他国家建立对 AI 技术的认识和能力,确保国际技术标准在监管生态系统中发挥作用,以促进跨境贸易等。
来自向阳乔木老师的调研和分享:今天晚上跟群里几个朋友聊AI对产品经理工作流程的改变。普遍觉得AI能帮助做的事情都很琐碎,有效率提升,但比较有限。几个相对实用的场景:1.辅助精读论文:能帮翻译、拆解公式,分析代码等。工具:https://scispace.com2.写一些小脚本:写SQL查询、Python脚本、正则表达式、图片批量处理等。3.产品宣传文案:根据产品宣传渠道写营销文案、营销邮件、产品上架文案等。4.调研问卷设计/整理:生成调研框架,回收非结构化问卷,按指定框架生成指定表头表格。5.竞品分析:用BingChat或ChatGPT Browsering插件,按指定框架对比各项数据。如DAU、用户结构、市场占比等等。6.解释专业名词:很多垂直领域,都有不少缩写或行业黑话,可以用ChatGPT解释举例、给场景说明。另外,@ApndaLi分享个用法很有趣,写完PRD,他会把每个功能模块让GPT试着从产品和研发两个视角写逻辑代码。这样做,既能发现自己产品逻辑表达问题,也能方便以后QA同学测试。Prompt如下:你现在是一个独立开发者,有着十年的产品经验以及python开发经验,以下是一段产品文档内的部分产品逻辑描述,我希望你能站在1.从产品经理的角度来重梳其中的逻辑,并且给出优化的建议。2.从研发的角度,按照1梳理好的逻辑写出Python代码,按照函数的逻辑来进行书写,你可以先给出你的逻辑思路优化思路,再给出代码”另外,个人觉得AI在创业团队,尤其做出海产品的PM手中价值会更大些。
119.The UK will continue to pursue an inclusive,multi-stakeholder approach,from negotiating new global norms to helping partner countries build their awareness and capacity in relation to the benefits and risks of AI technology.We will,for example,support other nations to implement regulation and technical standards that support inclusive,responsible and sustainable artificial intelligence.More widely,the International Tech Strategy reiterates how we will shape global AI activities in line with UK values and priorities,protecting against efforts to adopt and apply AI technologies in the service of authoritarianism and repression.We will work with UK industry leaders to ensure that we stay at the forefront of AI and share our best practice with like-minded nations.Similarly,we will learn from our international partners,encouraging them to share lessons we can integrate into our framework.120.Our international approach will include ensuring that proven,effective,and agreed upon assurance techniques and international technical standards play a role in the wider regulatory ecosystem.Such measures will also support cross-border trade by setting out risk management and AI governance practices that are globally recognised by trading partners,reducing technical164 Global AI Index,Tortoise Media,2022;AI rankings by country,AI Rankings,2023.68A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationbarriers to trade and increasing market access.We will also use our world-leading innovation provisions in Free Trade Agreements to address the challenges innovators in AI may face and ensure that businesses are able to take advantage of the opportunities it presents.121.In multilateral engagements,we will work to leverage each forum’s strengths,expertise and membership to ensure they are adding maximum value to global AI governance discussions and are relevant to our democratic values and economic priorities.Box 6.1:Examples of international engagement and collaboration