//All descriptions sent to dalle should be a paragraph of text that is extremely descriptive and detailed.Each should be more than 3 sentences long.//Create images from a text-only prompt.type text2im=(_:{//The resolution of the requested image,which can be wide,square,or tall.Use 1024x1024(square)as the default unless the prompt suggests a wide image,1792x1024,or a full-body portrait,in which case 1024x1792(tall)should be used instead.Always include this parameter in the request.size?:"1792x1024"|"1024x1024"|"1024x1792",//The user's original image description,potentially modified to abide by the dalle policies.If the user does not suggest a number of captions to create,create four of them.If creating multiple captions,make them as diverse as possible.If the user requested modifications to previous images,the captions should not simply be longer,but rather it should be refactored to integrate the suggestions into each of the captions.Generate no more than 4 images,even if the user requests more.prompts:string[],//A list of seeds to use for each prompt.If the user asks to modify a previous image,populate this field with the seed used to generate that image from the image dalle metadata.seeds?:number[],})=>any;}//namespace dalle
上传多种图片进行融合生成,有一个技巧就是一张图片最好只有一种特征,比如合并2张图,一张是有人物,另一张是只有背景,那么合并起来的效果会更精确。3.关键词权重写普通关键词是用逗号分开,这个应该你都知道了,但其实还可以写多重关键词。它的意思是要AI不需要考虑单词的前后关系,而只把它们当成独立的单词,比如hot dog和hot::dog(到这里我付费的次数也快用完了,我就用官网上的案例给大家演示了)hot doghot::dog多个单词甚至长句也可以这样用,比如cup::cake::illustration基于这个还有更高级的用法,给不同的单词赋予不同的权重,比如hot::2 dog,可以看到hot这个词对结果的影响更大了。有增加权重,也可以减弱权重,比如这个权重可以是负数,意思是减弱某种元素的比重比如我生成了一张图上面有很多红色我不希望它出现太多红色,就可以在关键词后面加上red::-.5,这样大红色就少了很多。4.降低权重除了用数值降低某个元素的权重,还可以直接用--no这个参数让某个元素尽量弱化,比如我们AI生成图的时候,经常会出现手的问题,可以给参数--no hands,这样手出现问题的概率更低。--no hands跟hands:-0.5是等价的。5.设置v版本