以下是关于如何制作属于自己的 AI 的相关信息:
[title]他山之石|如何防止AI取代人类思考一切?[heading1]原文So,let’s consider AI and writing.I’ve written an article about how AI might transform the essay and another article about AI and the future of writing.In it,I described how we might integrate AI into each part of the writing process.We will need to pick and choose how we use AI within each writing piece we create.We might start from a place where we are human-driven first and use AI to modify what we are doing.I write out my blog posts from scratch but I will use some auto-fill and some Grammarly feedback to improve it.I might even go to AI to help define a concept.But it is human-driven and AI informed.Our voice with a megaphone and then an arrow pointing to AI to modify it(with a brain that has AI-like nodes)Sometimes,though,I might want to start with an AI piece of writing that I then modify to make my own.Here’s an example of a time I began with AI and changed it to fit my voice.I began with a writing prompt of my own:From there,I had the AI create a response.Here’s what it came up with.Note that this isn’t bad but it is cliche.Parts of it feel derivative.But it also doesn’t fit my voice or personality.It’s too violent and even cynical.So,I modified it to make it my own.My parts are in bold.Take over the world.But maybe start out small.Perhaps an exoplanet?Or just take over Fresno.Yeah,start out small with Fresno and then go big.Steal the moon.I mean,not our moon,of course.I need the moon if I’m going to keep surfing.I’m thinking maybe Titan or Io?Perhaps Callisto?Nobody ever pays attention to Callisto.Create a shrink ray but one that only makes clothes shrink so that everyone in Fresno thinks they gained ten pounds overnight.
接下来,我们来测试下我的AI Bot:你会发现这里的回答只回答了大模型帮我们生成的结果,而其他航班信息以及天气相关的信息是没有给到我们结果的,究其原因是Coze国内版目前还是刚发布不久,有些官方和第三方插件的API调用和返回结果还是不太稳定,导致这里的结果不能完全显示出来,以下是我实际遇到的一些调用报错情况:不过这个问题我相信官方会尽快解决的,毕竟Coze这个平台的功能其实是挺完善和强大的,也做得很符合国情和本土化。最后我们再试几次,来看看最终的成功效果:可以看到成功的回答了我们的问题,这个回答是根据我们的提示词和插件+工作流的组合回答,所以回答的结果是非常详细的。如果之后加上自己的知识库甚至是可以根据用户定制化来使用数据库功能的话,那么我相信这个AI Bot的使用场景会更加符合一个APP该有的产品化功能。你可以想象一下,这个AI Bot的MVP我只用了一个晚上就完成了,出来的效果真的相当不错了,换作是传统开发的话,这个功能至少需要一个月的时间,而且还不一定能做得这么好。最后再说一句,如果是有条件使用国外版的小伙伴,我相信效果一定会更加好,因为国外版有免费的GPT4大模型的使用,插件和工作流功能更加丰富和稳定,而且还有更多的自定义插件和工作流功能,这样就可以更加灵活的根据自己的需求来定制化自己的AI Bot了。这个是我演示上述步骤后发布的AI Bot,其ID是:7333630516673167394,有兴趣的可以直接在Coze平台上搜索这个ID来体验一下我的AI Bot。