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jumping stars

Self-researching generalized macromodels
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🦄 unicorn


Former Microsoft Global Vice President and Chief Scientist of Microsoft Internet Engineering Asia, Daxin Jiang, founded Step Star in April 2023, specializing in self-developed general-purpose big models.

阶跃星辰在上海徐汇和北京海淀设有办公室,阶跃星辰公司推出Step系列通用大模型,包括Step-1千亿参数语言大模型、Step-1V千亿参数多模态大模型,以及Step-2万亿参数MoE语言大模型的预览版,提供API接口给部分合作伙伴试用。 The product efficiency tools based on Step-1 and Step-1V 100 billion parameter big models, Leapfrog and the AI open world platform, Bubble Duck, have been fully opened.

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