Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI programming assistant that helps developers become more productive by generating suggestions based on comments written in natural language and code in their IDE (Integrated Development Environment). With CodeWhisperer, developers can speed up the coding process by eliminating the need to switch between IDE and documentation or developer forums.
Amazon CodeWhisperer generates code suggestions from code snippets to full functions in real-time in the IDE based on your comments and existing code. It also supports CLI completion and natural language to bash conversion from the command line.
CodeWhisperer is a general-purpose machine learning-based code generator from Amazon that provides code suggestions in real time.
As we write code, it automatically generates suggestions based on our existing code and comments. It provides personalized suggestions of various sizes and scopes, from single line suggestions to complete functions.
CodeWhisperer also scans our code to highlight and define security issues.
Currently only available as a plugin inside IDEs such as VS Codeopen in new window, Jetbrainsopen in new window, etc. If you want to give it a try you can use VS Code, which is currently free for unlimited free use and does not require a high level of environment and is also lightweight~!
Amazon released a preview version of CodeWhisperer in June 2022, and it now supports Python, Java, and JavaScript.
CodeWhisperer is trained on billions of lines of code, powered by machine learning, and aims to accomplish the same goal. Whether we are students, new developers, or seasoned professionals, CodeWhisperer helps us be more productive.