以下是为小白推荐的一些好用的 AI 产品:
2023年,你是否感觉到使用的每一款产品都在经历AI的改造?这不仅仅是Baader–Meinhof现象。我们看到许多产品都在迭代中加入了新的AI功能,以至于我们今年不得不创建一个全新的奖项类别。这一次是在AI的帮助下,我们受到了创造者们快速推出这些产品的启发,以及团队们如何重新设想解决他们最初设定要解决的问题的新方案。事实上,许多创作者告诉我们某种版本的「我们一直想要这样做,但技术终于赶上了」。这一类别的提名者因为将AI流畅地融入他们的产品而受到认可。他们正好在我们需要的时候生成我们需要的内容,完成曾经需要数小时的繁重工作,凭空开发出人造角色,并在此过程中给我们带来乐趣。Notion AI(免费可用)——在笔记和文档中应用AI的力量:直接在Notion中接入AI的能力。工作更迅速,写作更出色,思考更伟大。Guidde AI(免费可用)——用AI创建视频文档:guidde是一款生成式AI平台,使团队能够以11倍的速度传递专业知识,与客户或员工共享。Arc Max——用AI优化浏览体验:在任何网页寻求AI辅助,智能标签页&下载重命名,集成ChatGPT等功能。使用Arc Max优化浏览体验,一个节省时间的AI功能套件。Trickle(免费可用)——用AI将截图转换成可搜索的珍贵资源:Trickle可以帮助总结和整理截图,提取洞察以便于搜索和查询。将视觉混乱的图片转化为智能档案,允许用户截取任何内容,并在以后轻松地检索和使用其内容。
AI can enable scientific discovery.A computer vision model was used to piece together the first ever image of a black hole 55 million light years away,combining images from eight telescopes around the world.29AI solves decades old protein-folding puzzleAn AI company based in the UK trained neural networks to predict the structures of proteins,solving a problem that had long stumped scientists.The predictions are advancing the field of structural biology:scientists have already used them to prevent antibiotic resistance,30 advance disease research,31 and accelerate the fight against plastic pollution.32 As we find more uses for AI,it will rewrite scientific fields and change the way we learn about our world.Deep learning AI could improve breast cancer screeningAI could transform how diseases are detected,prevented,and treated.Doctors are testing if deep learning can be applied to breast cancer screening.Currently,every mammogram is double-checked by radiologists but this is labour-intensive and causes diagnosis delays.A UK medical technology company is working with the28See,for example,What are Large Language Models used for?NVIDIA,2023.29 Black hole pictured for first time–in spectacular detail,Nature,2019.30 Accelerating the race against antibiotic resistance,Deepmind,2022.31 Stopping malaria in its tracks,Deepmind,2022.32 Creating plastic-eating enzymes that could save us from pollution,Deepmind,2022.9A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationNHS to test AI for the second screening,meaning greater numbers of patients could be screened faster and clinicians could spend more time with patients and provide faster access to treatment.33Farming efficiency increased by AI robots