Function Overview
AskTheCode, focuses on providing detailed queries, code search, commit analysis and interactive GitHub issue features within GitHub repositories. With simple commands, drill down into the code repositories on GitHub, get code details, review change history, and participate in issue discussions on projects.
List of Capabilities
- Repository Structure Query: Capable of fetching and displaying the file structure of a GitHub repository, helping users quickly locate sections of interest.
- Code Search: Supports searching for specific code, functions, or comments within a given repository to improve finding efficiency.
- Commit Analysis: Drill down to analyze specific commits to see which files have been modified, added, or deleted to help understand code changes.
- File Commit History: Shows the version change history of a file, making it easy to track the update process of a specific file.
- GitHub Issue Interaction: Allows users to view GitHub issue details and supports posting comments under the issue.
Usage Scenarios
- Code developers: During the development process, you can quickly search the code base for function or API usage examples to improve development efficiency.
- Project maintainers: Review code commits, understand the impact of each change, and ensure project quality.
- Technical learners: learn excellent programming practices and technology trends by viewing code and commit history of popular projects.
- Open Source Contributors: Participate in open source projects and better understand project requirements and community dynamics by viewing and responding to GitHub issues.
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